The ART of Troubleshooting & Repairing Modern Televisions
Get Locked in to today's special price for Life.

SMPS Secondary
Quickly learn how to isolate "Fluctuating Voltage" problems.
$197 value

Main Boards
Intermintent Power, No Power, TV cuts off, TV stuck in Standby, Audio and HDMI problems, etc.
$247 value

Take the next 7 Weeks To transforming your electronics knowledge on Modern LED Televisions
Whether your an Electronics Hobbyist, Freelancer, Student, or Technician; this Online Video course is designed to help you understand how to Fault-Find almost ANY Electronics device.
Level Up Your Television Repair Skills
This is an Easy to Understand course using Video Training, Powerpoint, and real-time troubleshooting Video's. Also includes PDF's, Quizzes, & an On-line Community where you can collab with other students and watch TV repair video's not seen on YouTube.
(This Course is NOT recommended for persons with Zero Electronics experience)
Course Syllabus:
Switch Mode Power Supply (Primary Side)
- Filter, Protection, and AC-DC rectifier circuit.
-DC Voltage (B+) and Switching
-AC Circuit & DC (B+) Circuit recap and crucial Details
-PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) IC part 1
-PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) IC part 2
-PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) IC part 3
-PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) IC part 4
-PFC (Power Factor Correction) Circuit
Switch Mode Power Supply (Secondary Side)
-Voltage/Signal Inputs from Mainboard
Television MAIN Boards
Timing Control Board (T-CON)
-How to Isolate Backlight with NO Video
+ More!
I'm Robert Williams
Most people know me as "Bigdog" from my Youtube Channel BigDog8882. I have been in the Television Repair Industry since 1994; way before LED/LCD Televisions first came out and were popular in consumer's Homes.
Unfortunately between 2011-2015 I saw alot of TV repair companies, shops, and Technicians leave the TV repair business because of the NEW flatscreen Technology that was being consumed by alot of Homes and Businesses. If you weren't an Authorized Service Center there was absolutely Zero Information, schematics, or trainings on how to troubleshoot and repair this new television technology. To this very day (2022) there is still no legit training course in the English language for Modern Televisions.
Fortunately I was working as a Bench and Field service Technician for a TV repair company that was Authorized by several different Manufacture's between 2008 and 2013. But it still would have helped and would have drastically shortened my learning curve if I had a course like "The Art of Troubleshooting and Repairing Modern Televisions".
So I've put together this course to help you understand how Modern LED/LCD Smart televisions work by covering almost every circuit in detail from the POWER CORD to the POWER BUTTON!
"Hey Bigdog another great video on power supplies troubleshooting."
- Kevin Paugh

"I subbed and liked good stuff here. Sub and Drop this guy some likes for sharing his years of knowledge for free
thanks bigdog"
- Tampatec

"Love your videos big dog I do electronics too been doing electronics for over 30 years I love what I do too"
- Speedy gamer Poopoo
Online LED TV repair course
More of what you'll Learn
Be able to Troubleshoot any TV or Electronic Device

PFC Circuits
Learn the basics of Power Factor Correction on Television SMPS boards.

Learn how to check Crucial Signals on TV Memory Flash IC's on Mainboards.

PWM and PFC Controller IC's
Learn how to check voltages and signals on these common failure components.

Switching MOSFET's and IC's
Learn how to check these common failure parts and the circuit around them.
Actual Course Comments
As of 4/27/2023

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